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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Medical System

I'd like to congratulate fellow Americans (I have both Canadian and American citizenship) on the small step forward with the health care system.

Although the rising prices in the States and Canada will continue until we work on prevention and stop allowing Big Pharma and the Medical Equipment providers to rule the roost, it is better than it was before.

I cannot believe the Republican rhetoric. My god! They would have us all believe that it is unAmerican to make sure that the least among us are looked after. If that is so, it is time to stop being American and start being human.

However, I do not believe that is so-- Americans are no different than any other of our Earth's citizens. They want to help. But when we have politicians who pretend to be good Christians, tell us all that everyone needs to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, no matter if life beats them down time and again, it's dangerous. Eventually, when they hear it over and over, most people will begin to believe.

Nonetheless, President Obama has done his good deed for the day-- for the year-- for a lifetime....

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